Our typical daily activities involve


Arrival and child-directed, free choice, teacher/staff supported play, and modeled and scaffolded interactions. Art, writing, dramatic play, blocks, sensory play, math, science, library, etc. related to the theme.
Music and movement.
Circle time with oral language, literacy, and pre-academic skills develop as children learn new songs, nursery rhymes, letter sounds, and vocabulary.
Small group time including dialogic reading, pre-writing, and math. Activities are interactive and hands on.
Lunch time
Rest time for children who needs nap. Those who do not sleep can then move to quiet activities at tables or on their mats. Enrichment activities are provided for children during this time.
Snack time
Library time: As students finish up snack, they can get a book and read alone, with a friend or with an adult.
Outdoor play
Snack time
Enrichment time (inside or outside): Children can choose a variety of activities including but not limited to painting, artwork, dramatic play, blocks, sand and water play, gardening, science, math, music, etc. partners visit to provide some enrichment activities.
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